31.10.2023 || portugal


At 'Wine From Another World' we infused traditional elements with avant-garde technology, enriching cultural and sensory experiences. 'Wine From Another World' event blended centurial architecture with cutting-edge digital artistry. We teamed up with Mulabs to create two interactive installations for the launch of the new wine of Wines From Another World that elevate the wine-tasting experience through innovative technology and compelling narrative.


Wines From Another World || Website || Instagram


Mulabs || Website || Instagram

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In need of expertise to develop your idea or just want to add an extra bit of magic to your space? We got you! Get in touch so that we can create together.

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// Wait for the DOM to be ready document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { // Get the button element by its ID var button = document.getElementById('controlnetbutton-1'); // Check if the button element exists if(button) { // Add a click event listener to the button button.addEventListener('click', function() { // Trigger the click event of the button on the other page triggerButtonClickOnOtherPage(); }); } // Function to trigger the button click on the other page function triggerButtonClickOnOtherPage() { // You need to replace 'other-page-button-id' with the ID of the button on the other page var otherPageButton = document.getElementById('controlnetbutton'); // Check if the button on the other page exists if(otherPageButton) { // Trigger a click event on the button otherPageButton.click(); } else { console.error('Button on the other page not found!'); } } });